Karen A. Insley

1) To ensure that the Town of Huntsville remains a Ward system of municipal government.
A few years ago, this was brought into question. I feel very strongly, that Stisted, Stephenson, and Port Sydney are well served by this method of representation and presented this view at the Council's public meeting.
2) That strategic planning is inclusive of all within the Town of Huntsville. I feel the success of past efforts concentrated on the Town proper, demonstrates importantly, that the Strategy needs to expand to all Communities in its boundaries. Where it's mutually beneficial inclusion could encompass our neighbours.
3) Sharing resource revenue through community enhancements is important. Developing responsibly is a key planning and consultation piece. Sharing revenue through enhancements to those immediate communities is imperative in maintaining strong, safe, neighbourhoods. For example, I feel that where extractive resources are located and exported, that the Communities surrounding receive tangible and sustainable benefits. This really applies to all options of economic development, and these would be in step with the principles of Huntsville, (i.e., Official Plan) and its greater whole; Muskoka.
I grew up in Utterson, Town of Huntsville, attended public school here, (V.K. Greer), and high school, (Huntsville High). My Communities reared me from both a village and town perspective. As a youngster and adolescent, I enjoyed the rural and urban exposure this afforded me. After working in several local jobs as a young adult, (Fowler's, Ministry of Natural Resources, The Forester, and MacLean Hunter), I realized the value of experience and further education. I attended Professional School, at Georgian College in Orillia and Laurentian University in Sudbury respectively. From that point, my career in health, safety and the environment led me to various different Communities in Ontario. I had the opportunity to work for three levels of government and travelled all over north and south Ontario. While in Muskoka in 2006, I met my husband, David Stewart and the rest is history and so I returned to my roots, "the best place to live". My father Dalton, (deceased) served on Stephenson Twp. Council before amalgamation under the Town of Huntsville and was very active in the community especially youth. My Mother taught school at V.K. Greer for many years and volunteered for local organizations. We recently held one of her 90th birthday celebrations in Port Sydney. I have two Adult Children: My son, Dalton, is in Edmonton, Alberta; My Daughter, Stephanie lives with her husband Chris, and two darling granddaughters, Bryden and Margaret in Ottawa. David and I are proprietors of an IT business and custom manufacture a rehabilitation product. I have a keen interest in politics, health, and Community at the local, provincial and federal levels. As an example, I love CPAC and am happy to have advocated a few years ago, in writing, for this channel to be available here. Some other local examples: I participated in various different local public consultations, economic development, tourism, and infrastructure (i.e. advocated decommissioning of the Mountain View WWTP; Advocated for an important local community safety issue in Stephenson Township along with groups and individuals. A petition was issued to various stakeholder parties for consideration and ongoing resolution.